Wednesday, March 19, 2008

to quote jon stewart

At 11:00 on a Tuesday, a prominent politician spoke to Americans about race, as though they were adults - Jon Stewart
This was an amazing speech.


Anonymous said...

This was an amazing speech. I was down town in Philadelphia after work Tuesday evening, and the entire area was abuzz about Obama. He chose the perfect location, the perfect time, and his delivery was perfect. It was great to see a politician not worried about walking on politically correct eggshells, who spoke from the heart - and mind.



RIP said...

Hilter was a fine speaker too! This Obama character is nothing but smoke and mirrors, dont be fooled. He talks a good game but says nothing about his game plan.

Anonymous said...


Call one call "Godwin" on a blog comment? I suspect so.

Meanwhile, I'm in agreement with Flip's comment and Jon Stewart's as well. It's nice to hear a politician talking straight and honestly for a change. And saying some things that people may not like and may not want to hear, but are so true -- acknowledging the world as it is, not as we wish it were. (Not to say that the wish isn't a goal, but we first have to acknowledge where we are.)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Godwin'd by post number 2. Have you read any of Obama's plans? I found his technology plan to be quite good for a political document, as an example, and it sure outlines a lot more than our current scientifically-challenged administration. Who would you prefer to see elected instead of Obama?

Anonymous said...



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