Wednesday, January 21, 2009

may be time to say bye to blogger

Blogger seems uninterested in dealing with comment spam or offering tools to make it easier to fight -- would it be so bloody difficult to give me a page of recent comments with multi-select and delete? Oh, wait, it would be since the Blogger team and GMail team probably don't talk to each other or share underlying technology.

Right now I'm leaning toward either going uber geek and using Jekyll on GitHub pages or installing Wordpress over on Dreamhost, but suggestions are welcome.


Anonymous said...

I think you should give a chance to Storytlr, which is done by 2 european guys (in Belgium).

It's more a lifestream service but I'm using it now for my blog in English, as it's fast and easy to use.
You can check it here :

I've kept my blog in French under Wordpress, but I could move to Storytlr in a couple of months if they fix a little dozen of things, such as tags or personalized URL...

Anonymous said...

I've been really happy with Wordpress. Some of the plug ins are life savers. Finding good themes is more difficult, but I'm happy with how this one I tweaked came together; have a look:

Digado said... is pretty impressive. Right now I'd never leave self-hosted wordpress, but if you want to go for an externally hosted blog and some more fancy stuff you could give that a try.

Anonymous said...

I've been using WordPress for a couple of years and it's really cool. If you blogged and survived with Blogger, you'll find WordPress amazing. Since the last version (2.7) the backend looks great and is very efficient for things like managing multiple comments. To handle spam, I use the plugins "Bad Behavior" (which blocks suspicious connections - and it works!) and "Akismet" (this filters the just-made comments, you'll need a API key (you only need to make an account on their site and that's it)).
I suggest you to use WordPress because it's widely used and hence you'll find a lot of plugins, themes and help; and also because you can "evolve" your blog's under-the-hood technology continiously, without effort.
About Dreamhost, I've used it so little, but a friend who has been using it is not happy with their service. Currently I use Hostgator and it works very nice. But the 'hosting' topic is like a religious decision so I leave this up to you.
Good luck!

Jesse Kanner said...

I've recently switched my WP hosting from The Planet to MediaTemple's newish GS platform:

So far I like a lot.